Monday, 23 May 2016

Leaving The EU Will Result In Your Death, Warns Osborne

Chancellor George Osborne has delivered his starkest warning yet in relation to the EU referendum, by warning that a vote to leave the union will ultimately result in your death.

Self-confessed disabled hater Osborne said voting to leave the EU will almost certainly mean you will die, with the elderly and terminally ill among the most at risk. “You will die if we leave, so a vote against us will condemn the entire country. Is that something you want on your conscience?” Asked the chancellor earlier today.

Supporters of the leave campaign dismissed Osborne's obvious attempt at scaremongering by pointing out that people die anyway, however the Tory slimeball poured scorn on their claims. “That is absolute nonsense,” he retorted. “Only through the EU can you achieve immortality. It's on the same line as splitting your soul into seven, a bit like Voldemort, only this time you have to share it with twenty seven other countries. No biggie.”

Osborne's claims regarding death are the latest in a long line of claims, which started with his prediction that the UK could be plunged into a week long recession, house prices will drop by 0.00000000000001% and people would be forced to work a five day week.

“It's all true,” insisted Osborne. “Every last word of it. Me and Dave sat down the other night and worked out the best way to try and scare the shit out of you...I mean the best way to tell you. Please don't print that last bit.”

With exactly one month to go to the referendum, Osborne and best mate Davey 'The Pie' Cameron will be going all out to convince you that voting in is in your best interests. “We've got some absolute corkers lined up over the next few weeks,” a spokesman for Osborne said this evening. “Although we had to cancel the zombie apocalypse one as Boris said he was prepared for it. That would have been funny as hell, however I'm sure that telling people the sun will blow up if we vote out will swing it.”

May the force be with you.


May the force be with you The Fed Up Jedi Follow me on Twitter if you want @thefedupjedi or Fed Up Jedi's Facebook page

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