I am Jedi Master Bob, otherwise known as The Fed Up Jedi. Jedi Master Bob is fed up with this world. if it was up to me, I would never have come here. It's such a mess. I don't know how you humans live like this.
I mean, it's such a cesspool of war, hatred, violence and constant fighting. But that's Liverpool for you (only kidding my little scouse friends).
Anyway, I've started this blog to share my views on this world. Some of them are serious, some of them I'm just taking the piss out of genuine news articles and some are just made up to get a cheap laugh, generally at the expense of religion or the Americans.
You are welcome to comment, you are welcome to slag me off or agree with me, do what the hell you want. I couldn't care less. Just don't go getting all offended if you get some back. You asked for it.
I have no political agenda, not affiliation to any political party and no religious beliefs. I am not racist, sexist, ageist or anything else ending in ist. Basically, anyone is a target so if you're easily offended. fuck off now while you still can. I cannot be held responsible for anything I write or publish on this site
If you want to contact me, you can do, if you're weird enough. the email address is thefedupjedi@gmail.com
By the way, even though the articles on this site are often based around real stories, the majority of the quotes and comments are completely fabricated, in case you didn't realise that. There, that's my disclaimer so if you want to sue me, you're wasting your time, so fuck off.
Oh and another thing while I'm on the subject. I am not affiliated to George Lucas, Disney or anyone else connected with Star Wars, so if you are thinking I have used the Jedi name nd misusing it, piss off and get a laugh. Jesus, the bollocks you have to write these days to keep knobhead solicitors off your back eh?