It’s that time of year when the whole world, well a few people in America so I guess that constitutes the whole world, gather to see an overweight beaver predict the weather.
Yes it’s Groundhog Day. For the majority of sane people who are unaware of this little ritual, it’s relatively simple.
Every 2 February at Gobbler’s Knob (yes it is a real place), Punxsutawney (also real) in Pennsylvania, crowds gather to see Punxsutawney Phil, who is a Groundhog, forecast whether winter continues for another six weeks or end early.
This can only happen when Phil comes out of burrow, examines the weather and checks to see if he can see his shadow. If he sees a shadow, winter will continue. No shadow and it’s an early spring.
See, we have satellites orbiting earth and teams of people studying the skies and for what? A lazy arsed groundhog waking up, having a drink and thinking he knows it all.
So how does Phil communicate? Well in groundhogese of course. The Grand Master of the Inner Circle can speak Groundhogese and is the only one who can, until he dies of course then someone else takes over.
Crock of shit? Of course it is but it’s good fun nevertheless. The Inner Circle claim Phil has never died and he never will. Every year, he drinks an elixir that gives him an extra seven years of life, like the stuff the Queen drinks. She’s never going to die is she?
But Groundhog day has served it purpose. In 1993, the story of Groundhog Day helped once fine actors Bill Murray and Andi McDowell a chance to get a bit of money. In the film, Murray’s character relived the same day over and over again until he changed his grumpy ways, a bit like working in an accountant’s office.
Anyway, for those of you who care, happy groundhog day.
May the force be with you.
Jedi Master Bob
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