Over the last year, we’ve seen uprisings spread across the Arab world. From Egypt, to Syria and Libya, the people have stood up for themselves and forced change.
Of course, standing in such a way can often mean loss of life and in the all countries, that has certainly happened. But in the case of Egypt and Libya, the people have won and forced democracy in their country.
People in Britain have watched on, admiring the stances taken by the rebels and the never say die spirit that has led them to victory. This even led to some saying that Britain need to stand up to their government, taking to the streets if necessary.
It would never work.
Why the pessimism, you might ask. Well it’s simple. The people of Britain have absolutely no idea how to make a stand.
Let’s go back to 2000 and the fuel protests. Five days that lasted before everyone said ‘right I’ve had enough of this now. Let’s go home.’ The protestors claimed victory but what did it really achieve?
Fuck all.
Did petrol prices come down? No they have risen continually. Have they protested since? No they just accept it. The thing is, people were complaining that emergency vehicles needed fuel so the protestors relented. That was their big mistake. They let compassion get in the way of what they were fighting for.
Now I’m not a heartless bastard and I don’t want to see people die needlessly but sometimes, when you protest you need to expect a few lives to be lost. I’m not saying people should have died in 2000 for the protests to be successful, but it’s that kind of mentality that wins or losses battles.
If we were a stronger British nation, we wouldn’t put up with the shit that our various governments have given us over the years. We would make a stand against it, but the trouble is, we’re all too weak. The second someone comes out and says ‘if you don’t stop your protest, people will die,’ we shit it and stop any protests. So instead, we moan about it, tut relentlessly and sit in our nice comfy houses complaining how shit this country is.
And while we would get some hardcore protestors prepared to stay the course, there are many that would support them but only from a distance. A perfect example of this would be a person I know. She mentioned that an uprising should start in this country and she would support them. When asked if she would join them, the reply was ‘I’ve got my job and home to think about.’
And that’s the reason why any uprising in this country would be a half hearted piece of shit that would end in a few days because people would be saying ‘yeah thanks for inviting me to the process, but I’ve got work in the morning so I’ll be going now.’
In August, I genuinely thought an uprising was happening but it just turned out to be a load of chavs wanting to get some free trainers. That’s the extent of our protests. Great. Carry on Britain eh?
May the force be with you.
Jedi Master Bob
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