Thursday, 6 October 2016

Farage Finally Revealed As A Sith Lord

Former, current and future UKIP leader Nigel Farage has finally been unmasked as a Sith Lord.

The world’s most famous wide-mouthed frog, who has made resigning from his role as UKIP leader his new hobby, made his latest resignation following June’s EU referendum and oversaw September’s leadership election in which Diane James was voted the new leader.
However the new leader lasted only eighteen days before resigning, with Farage taking ‘temporary’ charge of the party. And today, leadership hopeful Steven Woolfe was hospitalised and in a serious condition after being reportedly ‘punched’ at a party meeting of MEP’s.

However an insider has revealed that it was Farage who was responsible for manipulating MS James into resigning and attacking Mr Woolfe, likening the UKIP leader to Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars.
“Palpatine manipulated his way to the top and once there, it was impossible to remove him. It’s the same with Farage and UKIP. He talked James into resigning before launching force lightning at Woolf. I saw it myself, it came from his hands. He’s definitely a Sith Lord.”

And the insiders claims were further confirmed after Farage accepted a return to his role, saying "I keep trying to escape... and before I'm finally free they drag me back.” And, with words akin to the Palpatine he said "It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy. I love the Republic, I mean UKIP. Definitely UKIP. I bloody love UKIP. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me,” words that are virtually identical to Chancellor Palpatine’s in Star Wars Episode Two. (Oh shut up, it’s not called The Fed Up Jedi for nothing!)
Tonight, UKIP rebellion leader, known only as L Skywalker, a farmer from an undisclosed barren environment rumoured to be Scotland said “We need to stop this guy before he takes an apprentice. Actually, that might not be a bad idea. Let him take an apprentice who will throw him down a shaft on a half-finished battle station intent on destroying Europe.”

May the force be with you The Fed Up Jedi Follow me on Twitter if you want @thefedupjedi or Fed Up Jedi's Facebook page

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