Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Why Should Legal Reasons Protect A Convicted Criminal?

A nine-strong gang from Rochdale have been jailed after being found guilty of grooming underage girls for sex before they had the cheek to say they were prosecuted over their race.

But then, incredibly the leader of the gang, who was convicted of two rapes, aiding and abetting rape, sexual assault and trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation, was allowed under ‘legal reasons’ not to be named.


Why the fucking hell does this person, who does not deserve the title of human being, get away with not being named when his despicable accomplices have been? The only information we have about him is that fact that he is male and fifty-nine years old.

The victims have an understandable right to anonymity, so why should this sick individual be given the same rights? He was the one committing the crime and should be justifiably by punished.

This man has committed a crime and, as such, he should be named in accordance with our laws, so can someone please explain why this has not happened? But all they would come back with is ‘legal reasons,’ which mean absolutely fuck all.


These girls have been violated, their lives destroyed by this man and his little gang, yet they cannot see the justice of this man being named and the whole country knowing what he has done.

But that’s British justice for you.

In another part of this sad story, the men involved are claiming that the jury deliberations had been breached and were appealing against the convictions. They claimed that the convictions were not about justice but result from the race and faith of the defendants.


You were convicted of the crimes because you committed the crimes. If you were white, black, yellow or green with pink spots, it wouldn’t matter. You committed a crime and were caught. Simple as that. Race has nothing to do with it and is a desperate attempt to divert the attention from the crimes committed by claiming racial discrimination.

They also claimed that society had already failed the girls before they met these men. But in saying this, they are admitting that they took advantage of their situation.

These people make me sick and I hope they rot in their jail cells.

Just for the record, here is a list of the men who have been named:

Kabeer Hassan, 25 from Oldham, convicted of rape

Abdul Aziz, 41 a married father of three from Rochdale. Convicted of trafficking for sexual exploitation

Abdul Raif, a 43 year old married father of five from Rochdale, also convicted of trafficking for sexual exploitation. He was also a religious studies leader at a local mosque.

Adil Khan, 42 from Rochdale. Convicted of trafficking a child in the UK for sexual exploitation. He also fathered the child of one of his victims.

Mohammed Sajid, 35 from Rochdale. Convicted of one count of rape, sexual activity with a girl under 16 and trafficking for sexual exploitation. He will be deported to Pakistan once his sentence is complete.

Mohammed Amin, 45 of Rochdale, convicted of sexual assault.

Hamid Safi, 22, convicted of trafficking girls for sexual exploitation. He came to the UK illegally from Afghanistan and will be deported once his sentence is complete.

Abdul Qayyum, 44 of Rochdale. Convicted of conspiracy.

These men are an embarrassment to males everywhere and they are also an embarrassment to their community and they bring disgrace to the Asian community.

If it was up to me, these men would be given a choice: Deportation or execution. Why should we have to pay our taxes to keep these sick, vile people locked in our prisons?

For the girls who are the unfortunate victims in this crime, I sincerely hope you can get you shattered lives back. I hope that you get all the help and support you need to overcome these despicable crimes. You deserve it.

As for these men, they are not worth the shit on the bottom of my shoe. I hope you all rot in hell.

Rant over.

Jedi Master Bob

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